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Introductory Consult

Get to know each other, your current situation, and if I can help you.

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Описание на услугата

1 time only free consultation. This is so you can get to know me and I can get to know you. We can see if I am the right person to help you and your situation or if it is necessary to find a better option. (If you try to abuse this booking link you will be refused service) -This is not a full consultation, if you are looking for more than just an introduction, please click on 'Strategy & Consultation' instead. - (all times CDT / GMT -6)

Политика за анулиране

Sessions must be reschedule or canceled 24 hours before the session. Canceled sessions can be rescheduled. If you do not show up for a session and have not rescheduled or cancelled, then your time slots will be opened up for those who will follow the rules and you need to wait until an available slot opens again. There are no refunds for missed sessions, except in the case of extreme circumstances. I know unexpected emergencies happen and that can be worked around but be respectful of your time and mine.

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